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Fuck Cancer ! Was all the  rave at WhatsRelevantTV.  “The Color of Cancer.” Now don’t get it confused; Noone was actually saying Fuck Cancer but more so the fact that everyone was on the same  accord. Such a positive atmosphere surrounded by good people, good music, and good vibes. The mere idea that everyone in that room was in support for the fight for cancer was so moving.  I know many of you feel the same way “F*CK CANCER,” it has affected people we all know in some way.

The mere idea that the slogan “F*CK CANCER” could really be a movement to motivate society to fight against this bitch of a disease is really humbling. One’s motivation and compassion to fight for everyone’s chance at beating cancer is just a step away. Little do people know cancer is one of the top killer’s amongst society today. Compassion comes from within the heart and as an individual, the misery of another person comes from what we see in ourselves. However, compassion is not enough for the fight against cancer. But more so is geared towards the money they can raise for the fight against cancer. Oumou Fofana is the Co-founder of What’s Relevant Tv and she did just that. She was  raising awareness and donations in support to help people living and to help people who survived with cancer.

I very well know the struggles and the spiraling  effects of cancer two years ago my mom passed away from liver cancer. So I very well am a supporter of, “FUCK CANCER” because it wasn’t so much her fight against cancer but more so the fact that she wasn’t even given a chance. I hope all of us a unit can come together and unite against this fight against cancer. With that being said let’s all put our middle fingers in the air and scream “F*CK CANCER.”

To find out more information about this event and to donate

Go Fund Me Page (( Donation Page )) All proceeds will be donated to MSK Cancer Center.

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