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Reality show live from your phone? Learn how…

Having the ability to do global business right from your computer has opened the doors for small business owners. You can create ads for free, from your business pages, and share an inspirational message for little to no cost. These are the benefits of how powerful social media can be using tools like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and more.

Technology has done it again for business owners and consumers across the GLOBE!

Periscope is a new live streaming app that allows you to go live right from your phone. We have the ability to reach millions from the press of a button but what does this mean for business owners?

  1. You can create a new tribe of raving fans!

Periscope is a platform where you can share things about your company that would cost thousands in your advertising budget for FREE! Whether you want to share a positive message or just show people what your company offers periscope is your new best app!

  1. Give the world something to smile about

This app give you the opportunity to be yourself! Everyone has a personality especially entrepreneurs who have taken on the challenge of building a company. That is aspiring! Periscope can give you the mic to now share your story.

Periscope: Google Images

Periscope: Google Images

  1. Creates customer loyalty.

It is no secret that sales it’s all about building relationships. If you have a business, and you are doing something awesome go LIVE on Periscope. For service based business, you can use to give insight in your field and drive people to your website.

Now, that you know how awesome Periscope is I download the app and go LIVE today.

About Dayna L (38 Articles)
Entrepreneur, Blogger, DD0pe Media Personality.

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