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Beyonce gets Deep Discuss Life in the Lime light (Video)

I recently wanted to tap into who we are as women. Beyonce posted up a video last night “yours and mines “that went viral in a matter of hours.
Many women inspire to be like her, follow in her path. Now don’t get me wrong I lovesss me some Beyoncé! How ever she made me start asking these questions: What is our purpose ?
Are we natural born feminist because we are women? Do we become feminist when wrong things happen to us as women? Why must we always feel the need to be in competition and or working harder? To be perfect ?

Beyonce discussed her thoughts on feminism, admitting that although she considers herself a feminist, she was “always afraid of that word because people put so much on it.”


“Men and women balance each other out, and we have to get to a point where we’re comfortable appreciating each other,” the “Crazy in Love” singer added.

I believe In a world where you can get consumed with everyday nonsense you tend to fall into a place of routine (everything you have to do just to get you through your day ) and you forget what truly makes you happy. You forget your likes and dislikes.


In the 11-minute video, made up of clips from her recent collection of music videos, Beyoncé ruminates on celebrity, feminism motherhood and marriage. She’s shows how she still manages to sustain a level or normality to remind the world she’s just like us

“When you’re famous, no one looks at you as a human anymore. You become the property of the public. There’s nothing real about it.” :Beyoncé

Beyonce is getting deep ! Watch the video below!

About Dayna L (38 Articles)
Entrepreneur, Blogger, DD0pe Media Personality.

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